martes, 4 de octubre de 2011

Julian Katari: cosmological researcher for more that 1000 lifes

Since I was four years old I knew that my destiny was to be on the cutting edge of discovery for man kind. For many years I thought I would be an astronaut, when people asked me the never ending question "what do you want to be when you grow up"?  I adopted a  very short phrase that maybe I heard on T.V., which became the most relevant and resumed description of all my cosmological discoveries and understanding: "el universo es circular", in spanish: "the universe is circular". Telling this phrase to my mother at the age of six gave her hints that I might be a little smarter than anyobody she knew, thinking I had invented the phrase. But no, I heard it, difficult to remember where, but it became a key to my future understanding of reality.

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